This vegan take on the classic BLT is perfect for a sunny weekend brunch in the garden. Pickled cucumber brings an extra zing to this delectable dish and the home made bread rolls are the icing on the cake.. er.. sandwich!


Saturday Lunch- the perfect excuse to rustle up everyone's favourite sandwich- the BLT. Here's my vegan take on the classic- with home made bread rolls and quick pickled cucumber for an extra zing! The perfect accompaniment for this beautiful sunny weather!

For the Bread Rolls

2 cups flour- I used whole wheat stone ground flour but any flour you fancy would work here
3/4 cups of water
2 1/2 tsp active dry yeast
2 tsp garlic salt
extra flour for dusting

In a large bowl mix the yeast with 1/2 cup of water at room temperature. Leave for at least 2 minutes for the yeast to activate. You can ass a little sugar to help the process.
Add the flour, salt, and remaining water, if using a stand mixer, leave on 2 for 10-15 minutes until the mixture is combined and has a stretchy texture. If kneading by hand, you'll need to set aside 15-20 minutes for kneading to ensure the dough has enough gluten to rise successfully.
Form into 5 ball shapes, dust with a little flour, cover and leave to rise for 2-3 hrs until doubled in size.
Pre-heat the oven to 330F/ 170C and once ready, place the rolls on parchment/baking paper (dusted with flour to prevent the rolls sticking!)  in the middle and bake for 35-40 minutes.

For the sandwiches

6 pieces of veggie bacon-  I used Morningstar brand- but any brand will do, or you can make your own with seitan, carrots, or mushrooms!
3 tbsp vegan mayonnaise
2 tbsp BBQ sauce
2 scallions (spring onions) finely chopped
Lettuce leaves
1 large tomato, sliced
1/3 cucumber
1 1/2 tbsp malt vinegar
1/2 tsp salt

While the rolls are cooling, thinly slice some cucumber, add to a bowl with 1 1/2 tbsp malt vinegar and 1/2 tsp salt, mix and set to one side.
Place a frying pan on medium to high heat, and place the slices vegetarian bacon evenly ensuring each piece is heated.  Cook the bacon until crispy, remove pan from heat.
Slice a tomato, some spring onions (scallions), and wash and dry a couple of lettuce leaves per bun.
To assemble the bun- slice the rolls in half widthways, on the bottom half of the bun, spread a little bbq sauce, add the lettuce, picked cucumber, spring onion, then bacon before topping with the tomato, then on the top half of the bun, spread a little mayonnaise.
Enjoy in the sunshine with some of your favourite people!