Vegan Brown Rice Sushi

Sushi is one of those dishes I kept putting off making because I thought it would take so much time, and make a lot of mess. Once I'd finally bitten the bullet, it wasn't too bad at all! Sure, it takes longer than picking up whatever is on the counter at your local supermarket, but it tastes much nicer, is better for you, and is far more fun to create! Using brown rice meant that the dish was full of fibre, vitamins, and minerals.

We used the opportunity as a sort of date night, making up the rolls together using a mixture of the ingredients I'd prepared before sitting on the sofa to enjoy the fruits of our labour whilst watching a film.

Nori- we used almost one pack of sheets, the rest we used as snacks

For the sushi rice:
1 cup short grain brown rice, rinced
1 2/3 cups water
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar

For the sushi fillings (you can substitute any of these for your preferred fillings!):
- 1 avocado thinly sliced
- 4 shallots, thinly sliced, pickled in apple cider vinegar
- thinly sliced rainbow radishes
- carrots sliced lengthways
- firm tofu, marinated in teryaki

Rince the rice in a sieve, and drain.
Add the water to a saucepan and bring to a boil.
Add the rice, swirlling to ensure it's coated with the water. Turn the heat low, cover the saucepan, and leave to simmer.
Simmer for around 20 minutes, until the water has been absorbed by the rice. The rice should be tender. Remove from the heat, and stir in the vinegar. Leave to one side.
Cover your bamboo mat with cling film/ plastic wrap.
Lay 1 sheet of nori on the mat, cover 2/3 with rice, then add your filling in the middle.
Use the bamboo mat to create a tight roll.
Slice the roll into pieces around 3cm thick
Enjoy dipped into tamari/ soy sauce, with a little wasabi on the side.