Festive (and Flammable) Christmas Cake

This cake, inspired by a recipe by one of my idols, became an annual tradition in my house for the last decade or so. Full of bittersweet memories, this was the last thing Mum and I cooked together. Sadly, she passed away less than a week later. On Christmas day we had a large slice in her honour.

Festive (and Flammable) Christmas Cake

This cake, inspired by a recipe by one of my idols, Nigella Lawson, became an annual tradition in my house for the last decade or so. Honestly, you can use almost any spirits you have in (or use this as an excuse to grab a fresh bottle!) I love using Frangelico and sweet sherry for a beautiful sweet and nutty flavour,. Alternatively, coffee liquors bring a rich depth, and vermouth, grog, dry sherry, or rum bring out the sweetness of the fruit. As this is a rich, dense, fruit packed sponge, I find you don't need to be quite as accurate with the ingredients, throw in what you fancy- if you can't at Christmas, then when can you?!

This is best made a few weeks ahead, feed the cake twice a week, flipping it each time, then ice a few days before serving. If you can, I'd recommend buying the already rolled icing and marzipan. Although not impossible to do by yourself, it saves a few precious minutes, which can be immensely useful if you are preparing a variety of dishes over the festive period.

Full of bittersweet memories, this was the last thing Mum and I cooked together. Using what little strength she had, she stood next to me in the kitchen, smelling the aromas, my arms around her keeping her steady. Sadly, she passed away less than a week later.
On Christmas day we each had a large slice with a glass of port in her honour.

350g/12oz dried prunes (chopped)
350g/12oz  raisins (golden and/ or brown)
200g/8oz chopped glacé cherries (maraschino will do if you can't locate glacé)
2 oranges- zest and juice
1 plum (chopped)
200g/ 7oz dark muscovado sugar
200g/ 7pz soft unsalted butter
3 tbsp honey or golden syrup
4 tbsp cocoa
4 large eggs (beaten)
300g/ 10oz  Self Raising flour
1 tsp mixed spice
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/3 cup Frangelico/ hazlenut liquor
1/3 cup dry sherry
1/3 cup dark rum
- leave extra alcohol for 'feeding' the cake

To decorate:
Fondant or royal icing
Apricot jam and 1/3 cup warm water


Add the dried fruit, fresh fruit, zest, orange juice, and alcohol (Frangelico/ sherry/ rum) to a large saucepan or Dutch oven, cover and heat on low for 1hr. Leave to cool a little (1hr at least) before proceeding.

Add the softened butter, sugar, and spices to the fruit mixture and stir to combine. Add the honey/ golden syrup, then add the flour, cocoa, and eggs little by little until they combine.

In a large cake tin with a removable base, grease and line with parchment (greaseproof paper), grease again and coat lightly in flour before pouring the mixture in. Bake at 165C/330F for 1.5-2hrs. The cake should be moist throughout (but not liquid!)

Once cooled, wrap in foil and place in an airtight container in a cool place. Once evert 2-3 days cover the top with 1tsp of one of the alcohols used in the cake- this is called 'feeding the cake'. Each time, you should flip the cake to ensure the moisture is spread evenly.

A few days before serving- to ice the cake mix 2 large tbsp apricot jam with 1/3 cup warm water. This will make the jam easier to spread. Cover the marzipan with jam on one side and cover the cake (the jam side should be on the cake) then cover the icing and place that (jam side down) on top of the marzipan. Use an icing smoother to even out any bumps or creases to ensure a smooth look.

Enjoy with a coffee or a glass of port, and a cheesy Christmas film!