Oataly Moreish Rolls with Time Saving Tofu Cream 'Cheese'

Tofu-the perfect staple to keep on standby in the fridge- it can be kept for months, is full of protein, low calorie, and incredibly versatile. Use it to vegan cream cheese then pile it on these almost cloud like oat and whole wheat rolls for a lazy brunch that's sure to keep you going 'til dinner!

Oataly Moreish Rolls with Time Saving Tofu Cream 'Cheese'

Tofu is the perfect staple to keep on standby in the fridge- it can be kept for months, is full of protein, relatively low calorie, and is incredibly versatile. I love using a pack to make my own version of a vegan cream cheese, add some nutritional yeast, a little garlic salt, and any flavourings you fancy and tuck in! I pile them on these almost cloud like oat and whole wheat rolls for a lazy brunch that's sure to keep you going 'til dinner!

For the Rolls
3 cups oat flour
1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
2 tsp salt
2.5tsp dry instant yeast
2.5 cups warm water
a pinch of sugar (to help activate the yeast)

For the Tofu 'Cheese'
1 pack firm tofu
2 spring onions/ scallions- chives would work well here too!
3 tbsp nutritional yeast
2 tbsp lemon juice
1.5 tsp garlic salt
1 tbsp EVOO

For the rolls
Add the yeast, sugar, and water in a bowl, stir and let sit for at least 5 minutes- this will help to activate the yeast
In a stand mixer or large bowl mix the flours, salt, and water and yeast mixture. Knead for 7 minutes until the mixture is stretchy, add a little more water if the mixture is too dry.
Cover with a damp tea towel and leave to prove for an hour, or until the mixture has doubled in size.
Knock the dough back to remove some of the air, and divide into 4 rolls (or two monster rolls if you prefer!), place on a baking tray covered with patchment paper (baking paper) and dusted with flour, cover with the tea towel and leave for another 2 hours.
Bake at 350°F/ 180°C  for 35-40 minutes, until browned. You can confirm they're cooked through by tapping the bottom of the rolls, a cooked roll should give a hollow sound.
Place on a rack and leave to cool.

For the Tofu 'cheese'
Remove the tofu from it's package, wrap in kitchen towel, and place on a chopping board with something weighing it down. Leave at least half an hour to remove some of the moisture. In a large bowl add the tofu, finely chopped spring onions/ scallions, lemon juice, nutritional yeast, garlic salt, and EVOO and beat with a fork or whisk until well combined. You can keep this in the fridge for up to 4 days. I like to make this on a Saturday to set us up for breakfast all weekend long!

For non-vegetarians, you can top this with smoked salmon for a delicious brunch, for vegans topping with a little everything but the bagel seasoning, and capers really is delicious. You can even use veggie bacon if you fancy! Enjoy with fresh juices and/ or a good medium roast coffee!