Cheesy Olive and Carrot Greens Braided Loaf

Cheesy Olive and Carrot Greens Braided Loaf

Bread is brilliant, isn't it?! A warm, comforting, crunchy sponge. What could be better than a flavoured bread that doesn't just taste good, but looks pretty? How about adding some extra nutrition in the form of carrot top greens? Did you know they have about 6 times more vitamin C than the carrots themselves? Not only that, they're full of vitamins, nutrients, and have a bunch of health benefits! Add to that the antioxidant properties of black olives and the high protein content of whole wheat and Einkorn flours and this is a sure-fire winner.

This recipe can be made gluten free by either omitting the cheese, or adding nutritional yeast, or a vegan cheese alternative.

We enjoyed this with some hummus (recipe available at

3 cups flour- I used 2 whole wheat bread flour, and 1 cup of einkorn flour from the fabulous Janies Mill, plus extra for dusting
3/4-1 cup of luke warm water
2 1/2 tsp active yeast
2 tsp sugar
1 tbsp salt- I used a good Himalayan Pink salt
1 can pitted black olives
1 bunch carrot top greens finely chopped
1/2 cup grated hard cheese
1 tbsp finely chopped garlic and 1 tbsp nutritional yeast

Add the yeast, sugar, and 1/2 cup of water to a bowl, leave to activate for around 10 minutes until 'frothy'
Add the flour(s) and salt  along with another 1/4 cup of water, add more water as needed- this will depend on the flour you are using, and the level of moisture in the atmosphere. Knead or leave in the stand mixer with the dough hook on low for around 10-15 minutes- the dough should be stretchy.
Cover and leave in a warm place to prove for around 2 hrs until doubled in size.
Once doubled in size, knock back, and divide into 3 equal portions, cover and leave to one side. In a bowl mash the olives until they form a chunky paste, add the carrot greens and the cheese or garlic and nutritional yeast and mix.
Take one of the portions of bread, dust your work surface with flour, and roll the bread fairly thinly. spread the olive and carrot green mixture evenly leaving about 1cm (1/4 inch) on all 4 edges. Roll the dough then fold it in half, and roll it again- it should look like a large (and green/black) cinnamon roll. Repeat with the remaining 2 portions of dough. Once these have rested for a few minutes, roll them into long sausage shapes, join them together at the top, and braid or plait them folding the end underneath.
Leave to prove for another 1 1/2-2hrs on a floured sheet of baking/ parchment paper.
Bake in a pre-heated oven at 325°F/ 160°C for around 45 minutes, once cooked if you knock the bread on the bottom it should sound hollow, if it sounds dense you will likely need to bake for a little longer.

Enjoy as an appetiser with a good quality salted butter, or as a great accompaniment to a hearty tomato soup, or pumpkin bisque.