Pizza Florets

An easy appetiser which is sure to be enjoyed by everyone. These beautiful rose buds are filled with everyone's favourite- pizza! Enjoy as a starter or hors d'oeuvres at your next party.

Pizza Florets

I conceived this appetiser when asked to bring nibbles to a family celebration last weekend. The base of this dish is super easy, and you can add whatever ingredients you like to make it your own- try some chopped sautéed veggies, or some meat (or meat-free) crumbles.  Inherently this dish is vegetarian, it can be made gluten free by buying or making gluten free pastry.

Puff pastry (I used 4 sheets to make around 36 florets)
Pizza Sauce (1 tsp per floret)
Grated Cheese- I used a Vermont Sharp Cheddar for both colour and flavour, but almost any cheese, including vegan cheese alternatives would work well here
Flour for dusting the pastry to ensure it doesn't stick
Dried garlic
Parchment Paper (Greaseproof Paper) for prep work and baking
Zucchini/ Courgette- each floret will use -3-4 slices, I used almost 2 large courgettes for my batch.

Thinly slice your zucchini (courgette) and wrap in a damp kitchen towl, place in microwave for 1 minute, this will soften the zucchini slices making them more pliable when you roll your florets.
Place a sheet of parchment (greaseproof) paper on your counter space and dust with flour. Roll out your pastry and slice to rectangles approx 3 inches tall by 6 inches wide. Add 1tsp pizza sauce along the middle of your pastry (lengthways), top with grated cheese and garlic and season to taste.
Along the top of your pastry rectangle place 4-5 slices of zucchini/ courgette- these should slightly overlap each other and about 1/2 the slice should appear over the top of the pastry.
Fold the bottom half up (lengthways) catching the filling in the middle, press on both ends to ensure the mixture doesn't fall out. Roll the pastry, ensuring the filling, and zucchini slices stay put.
Place on a lined baking tray and bake at 180C/ 350F for around half an hour until the pastry is lightly browned.
Enjoy warm whilst chatting to your favourite people!